Redesigning the cultures of academic libraries
Do it yourself = building something new to you or to your organization (usually something brand new)
DIY Basics (partial list):
making something
making something (better or unique)
challenge the norm
personal interest
DYI for libraries:
GT: customized the catalog with something other than a vendor system
Google scholar script (wag the dog) by GT programmer
Former GT librarian created ERL conference to fulfill a need for a specialized area (electronic resources)
GT Circ area (no more fines, more responsibility, greater influence, displays, assessment, furniture, leisure collections, equipment)
Student technology desk/environment (multimedia studio)
Encouraged Possibility (elements of a DIY was done with student multimedia studio) partial list
Purpose, problem, or platform (goal)
questioning/attitude (drive)
Design Thinking
IDEO Method in 5 steps
1. Understand (figure out user needs/challenges)
2. Observe (watch people in real-life situations to find out how they work, what confuses them, likes/dislikes, etc.)
3. Visualize
4. Refine
5. Implementation
Nightline: The Deep Dive (DVD & on youtube)
Empathic design
triggers of use
user customization (work-arounds)
intangibles attributes (emotions)
unarticulated needs
find problems and solutions
Designing/redesigning space
GT wanted collaborative space
Critical factors of success
Collaboration among students
Is critical to student perception of successful learning
Fosters partnering
Supports diversity
Design principles
Stimulate & inspire individuals & groups
Group study space
Preserve but improve upon it. Worked closely with the people that work in the space.
Immersion by Brian to "live" throughout the library while office was redone.
Ongoing process (various plans, trials, etc.)
Groups study
laptop use (support, power, noise, printing, etc.)
Printer support
What are they printing? Posters, color, stapling, etc.
Paying for printing (originally was 100 pages per week per student, now tied in with ID cards)
Assistance services
TA's taking over a library space without telling the librarians they were coming. Librarians approached them to set up a space for them to use.
Text a TA
Social interactions
Bring in a professor, buy him/her food in the cafe and they are there for an hour or so in a sort of open office hour.
Fun events, dodgeball, etc.
Impacting the curriculum
Video, papers, maps, 3d modeling, volunteering, presentations, etc.
Second Life
Set up accounts, but didn't advertise. Professors caught on have built three islands for class assignments
Lit crit class that they needed to find an image for
Social Driven Instruction
Computer sci students felt that instruction needed to be online. More of a social event where library stuff could be promoted throughout conversation
Designing a Culture of Innovation
create a bug list (find solutions
assessement = ongoing
think/talk/act about design (IDEO)
2nd opinions
show & tell
make the news (student paper)
work in "their space"
Share insights
use crayons to map/express yourself
do it regularly
start broad
don't let the boss speak first
no round-robin
go for quantity
number your
build & jump
space assessment
Book: The Ultimate Question,Fred Reichard (?) is where Brian finds questions that he asks of focus groups, individuals, etc.
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9 hours ago
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