Thursday, October 14, 2004

Public Library District Legislation Key Part of 2005 Agenda

The Library Development & Legislation Committee has created a Library District Subcommittee, chaired by Jessica MacPhail, to shepherd district legislation from the drafting stage to passage. An important part of that process will require input from WLA members, and achieving consensus within WLA will be required for the success of this bill. Interested members are invited to attend "Rethinking Wisconsin Libraries" at the WLA Conference on Wednesday, November 3, 8:45-10 a.m., to learn more about library districts. There will also be a program devoted to "Top 10 Political Issues" in 2005 with discussion about districts and other library legislative and funding issues. Check the conference website for details. In addition, the Library District Subcommittee will hold a meeting at the conference on Wednesday, November 3, 2:15 to 3:00 p.m. in Galewood D.

The WLA website has more information about library districts, including a summary of the current proposal.

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