Board Proposes Constitution & Bylaws Changes to WLA Membership
At its August 20 meeting, the WLA Board approved the recommendations of the Committee on Organization to eliminate 10 committees and merge the constitution and bylaws. Merging the two governing documents required significant amendments, and there were also substantive amendments that were necessary to reflect changes within WLA's structure. For instance, WLA and the Wisconsin Educational Media Association (WEMA) have been working on a dual membership program that requires changes to the WLA Board structure. The Wisconsin Association of School Librarians will likely vote to dissolve the division (ballots are counted in early October), and it is proposed that a dual WLA-WEMA member represent school librarians on the WLA Board.
In addition, the proposed bylaws will allow for electronic balloting. (COO has recommended that the WLA Board appoint a task force to research the feasibility of paperless elections.) The amendments also simplify language throughout the document, but especially the sections pertaining to membership categories, records, archives, and publications.
All members should have received a postcard notification of the proposed amendments. Members may suggest amendments on the floor of the annual business meeting November 4 in Lake Geneva. For the text of the amendments and comments, frequently asked questions, and a timeline of the amendment process, please go to "Rethinking WLA's Structure."
58 minutes ago
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