Libraries have become one of the most important resource centers for patrons who are looking for help meeting their basic needs including food. On September 17, join the network of public and private community partners throughout the state who are committed to increasing FoodShare enrollment by integrating outreach activities into their daily business without taking on extra projects. Many of us interact with potentially eligible families and individuals every day. We can make them aware of FoodShare, help them access benefits, and break the stigma long associated with "getting food stamps!
Join community leaders and partners who are dedicated to ending hunger in Wisconsin at the first annual FoodShare Outreach Network Conference!
Swipe Out Hunger: Putting food on your table and money in your community through FoodShare
Friday, September 17, 2010
Radisson's Paper Valley Hotel, 333 West College Avenue, Appleton, WI
8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Registration opens at 8:00 a.m.
Conference adjourns by 3:30 p.m., in time for attendees
who observe Yom Kippur to travel home before sundown.
Why attend: Currently, only an estimated 66% of eligible households participate in FoodShare Wisconsin (formerly known as food stamps), ranking below the national average. FoodShare not only puts healthy, nutritious food on the table for our low-income families, children and seniors: the USDA estimates that every $5 spent with FoodShare benefits generates $9.20 in local economic activity, additional resources that no Wisconsin community can afford to turn away.
Fee: Nominal fee to cover meal expenses.
Accommodations: A block of rooms will be available.
Registration: More information is coming soon.
For more information, please contact:
Gina Wilson
Second HarvestFoodbank of Southern Wisconsin
42 minutes ago
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