The House Education and Workforce Committee is scheduled to mark up H.R. 1891 tomorrow. This bill would repeal many U.S. Department of Education Programs including Improving Literacy Through School Libraries, which is the primary source of federal funding for school libraries. School libraries have struggled this year with the defunding of Improving Literacy Through School Libraries in FY 2011 budget. If H.R. 1891 were to pass, it would effectively eliminate this program as well as federal support exclusively for school libraries. We cannot let this happen!
If your representative is on the Education and Workforce Committee, please call him/her today at (202) 224-3121 and urge them to remove the repeal of Improving Literacy Through School Libraries from H.R. 1891. Please explain to them that Improving Literacy Through School Libraries serves to update many school libraries in disadvantaged school districts where access to up-to-date materials is very much needed. H.R. 1891’s bill summary it calls for the “repeal of ineffective or unnecessary education programs.” Improving Literacy Through School Libraries has twice been evaluated by the U.S. Department of Education (most recently in January 2009), which found the program to be successful in both evaluations.
Wisconsin Congressman Thomas Petri is on the House Education and Workforce Committee.
56 minutes ago